The Advertiser’s Bill of Rights.

YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO HEAR “NO.” No is the toughest word for a client to hear and the most important. No protects your work from being cluttered. No protects your work from ruinous compromise. No isn’t a negative: it’s an enabler of bravery. And the key to an honest, open relationship.

YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO HEAR “YES.” Yes is the emblem of partnership. Yes means we are in this together. Yes is dauntless, daring, defiant. Yes means we believe in the power of our work and we will run through hell in a gasoline suit to get the job done.

YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO THE FOUNDER. You’re paying for me. You get me. You have the right to be important, a priority and a focus. Not one of dozens of accounts relegated to after-thought and ‘second-team-ism.’

YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE DUG. What makes you different, special, important, remarkable, talk-about-able will be discovered, uncovered, applauded and lauded. Your essence, differentiators, soul and voice are unique. We will find them and let them guide us. 

YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO THE BEST TALENT. We only work with the best people in the industry. You have the right to people who demand a lot of you and give a lot in return. You have the right to feel confident in those working for you.

YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE FUNNY. As much as advertising is serious—and our jobs are serious—life is better when we’re laughing. Laughter often persuades where logic falls flat.

YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO BE SMART. And to people with the fervid curiosity and active intelligence to make a difference for your brand not merely in a conference room but in the crowded market.